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Don't Install Your Weave Without Doing These 3 Things

What to do Before Installing Your Weave

You just got your new bundles in the mail and you're probably wondering, 'should I wash my bundles before installing?' The answer is a resound YES.

When you receive your hair in the mail or you buy it at the beauty supply store it needs a refresh, so to speak, to show it's best self. Here are the three steps you need to take in order to ensure a successful slay:

Inspect Your Hair

  • Things To Check For:- Is the hair quality up to your standards? YES NO
  • Are you loving this texture? YES NO
  • If you answered yes to both questions, you’re ready to move on to the next step.
  • No? Only Mayvenn offers FREE 30-day returns on bundles you haven’t altered. 

Seal Your Hair

To prevent long-term shedding of your bundles, sealing your hair is a must! Using one of our suggested sealants, seal your wefts and allow to dry overnight.


The hair looks great out of the bag, but to see the true texture of the hair (and to further minimize tangling!) saturate the hair with conditioner, leave on for 5-10 minutes, detangle with a wide tooth comb, and rinse. Leave hair to dry for 6-8 hours (or overnight) to completely dry.


That's it! You’re ready to install!

Real Beautiful by Mayvenn was named one of the Top 50 hair blogs to follow in 2018! *

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